Silicon on Insulator Process

SOI Wafers from
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Silicon on Insulator processing

Our SOI Wafers have are of the highest quality.

We sell as few as one wafer and and can dice our SOI substrates into and dimension. diced soitec siliocn on insulator waferCurrently we sell Soitec SOI wafers as small as 25mm x 25mm!

These wafers sell for $125.00 each one wafer minimum!

Why spend more on wafers?

Our Benefits:

  • One Wafer No Problem
  • Large Orders No Problem
  • Technical Questions Answered
  • Most items in stock
  • Researcher discounts.
  • Bonded SOI
  • Unibond SOI
  • Soitec SOI

Wafer Coring Service

Many SOI waer vendors are discontinuing their smaller diameter subtrates and moving to large 200mm and greater diameter.

We understand your need for small diameter Silicon on Insulator wafers and have coring services avaialbe!

What are coring services? Simple! We can for example take 200mm Soitec SOI wafer and cut 100mm diameter circles with flats from that wafer. Thus saving you time and money.